**RESTRICTED – U.S. Government Sales Only**
The IZLID® 1000P (AN/PEQ-18) is a long-range IR laser for pointing and marking by military forces on the ground and in the air. A simple adjustment turns the laser into an IR illuminator for rapid target identification with night vision goggles (NVGs) and IR sensors. It is ideal as a command pointer, for target marking, and for visual communication between ground forces and aircraft. Overcoming virtually all ambient lighting conditions, the IZLID 1000P laser places a very powerful and tightly focused IR dot on the target. The bright beam is often used by a Tactical Air Control Party (TACP) or Joint Terminal Attack Controller (JTAC) to communicate visually with aircraft and direct airstrikes. The IZLID 1000P is known for its distinctive powerful beam with a 43 km range that stands out from every other IR laser on the battlefield.
IR Lasers are restricted to Law Enforcement and Government sales only and cannot be sold to civilians. Purchase of IR Laser equipment can only occur at the Department, Agency, or Unit level. IR Lasers cannot be sold to individual Law Enforcement, Military, Government, or Contractor personnel. No exceptions. If you are a government employee and would like to purchase an IR laser, you must have your agency place the order for you. We do not make the rules, but we do follow them. These lasers are regulated by the FDA (Food & Drug Administration). Price inquires must include an email request from an official government or government contractor email address. All ITAR restrictions apply.
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