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Ops-Core ACH Head-Loc X-Nape

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Crazy Vic’s Discount Night Vision Emporium

Drop-In Replacement Chin Strap System for ACH/MICH


SKU: SKU-844


The Ops-Core Head-Loc Retention System was developed to improve safety, comfort and stability of chinstraps used in MICH/ACH ballistic helmets. Every component, down to each stitch pattern, was designed specifically for this purpose, giving the ACH greater utility than ever before. Custom adjustment tabs allow the helmet to be adjusted while wearing it, without any hanging loose ends. Simplified strap geometry makes the system 3X more stable than existing chinstraps.

This system has resulted from years of input and testing by some of the most respected operators in the USSOCOM community. Their demanding requirements for NVG stability, multiple environment versatility and overall performance are credit to the design today. Without their help, the Head-Loc chinstrap would not exist.

The X-Nape is designed to provide more stability for lighter night vision devices such as monoculars. It features a padded, narrower nape pad that does not have the added fifth adjustment buckle found on the H-Nape. This extra adjustment is unnecessary for the lighter weight NVGs. However, this upgrade chin strap is not only for NVG’s. It is a great replacement for a standard ACH strap. The design creates straight lines from each attachment/cross point, making this chin strap system the most comfortable and stable on the market.

We, personally, do not run our MICH/ACH helmets without the Ops-Core Head-Loc installed. The comfort simply has to be felt to be believed. It’s just that good.

We do not export outside the United States. PERIOD!


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Straps Custom Webbing Weave
Nape Pad Suede
Hardware Stainless Steel Ballistic
Manufacturer Ops-Core
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