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Skeleton ARC Rails for ACH/TBH/MICH Helmets


SKU: OPS-ACH-ARCS- Categories: , Brand:

The Ops-Core Skeleton Accessory Rail Connectors (ARCs) cost effectively transform ACH/TBH/MICH style helmets into a platform capable of integrating mission enhancing components and accessories such as visors, mandibles, lights and cameras. Based on the popular Ops-Core FAST® ARCs, the universal (one size fits all) Skeleton ARCs provide the foundation for true system level performance. The Skeleton ARCs may also be integrated with other ACH/TBH upgrades (Skeleton One Hole Shroud, and Ops-Core 360° Liner and Retention System) for enhanced overall comfort, fit, and stability.

Skeleton ARCs are designed to seamlessly integrate a multitude of components and accessories, providing enhanced eye and face protection and other performance enhancing options for your unique mission needs. Additional mounting locations were added on both the upper and lower ARCs to support a broader range of mission performance enhancing accessories, such as lights, video cameras, IFF, goggles, and communications. The Skeleton ARC’s also feature 14 cable-management anchor points.  With more points of attachment, users can better route external wires and cables in a streamlined configuration to minimize user distraction.


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Manufacturer Ops-Core
Materials Polymer
Fits ACH / TBH / MICH Helmets (Full, Mid, High Cuts)
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