L3Harris BNVD-1531 SuperGain (Unfilmed White Phosphor 2376+ Min. FOM) Binocular Night Vision Device
***TNVC SuperGain***
The latest MIL-SPEC Image Intensifier technology from L3Harris, available for commercial sales at TNVC
***2376+ Min. FOM***
Out of Stock (Can be Backordered)
***TNVC SuperGain***
***2376+ Min. FOM***
- These units will come with tube data sheets and a 10 Year Extended Warranty through TNVC in addition to the L3Harris Factory Warranty
- They will not come with the standard TNV accessories (NVG pouch/cleaning kit)
- These units are not a contract overrun or limited availability product, they will be a regularly stocked product and will be available on backorder
Introducing SuperGain:
Introduced commercially by TNVC in partnership with L3Harris, SuperGain is the latest image intensifier tube technology and one of the most significant evolutions in Generation 3 BINOD (Binocular Night Observation Device) and performance since the introduction of Unfilmed technology and available at TNVC as a new premium option.
Over the years, TNVC has been fully committed to making the very best and most advanced, High-Performance MIL-SPEC, duty-ready night vision, thermal, and visual augmentation systems technology available to ALL customers.
Manufactured by L3Harris and distributed by TNVC, SuperGain Unfilmed White Phosphor image intensifier tubes are already in use with the United States military, including Special Operations Forces in some of the DoD’s most elite formations. These new SuperGain image intensifiers increase the Luminance Gain (Gain) specification from the standard 40,000-80,000 fL/fc to between 100,000-120,000 fL/fc, greatly increasing the image intensifier’s ability to amplify and collect light, resulting in a noticeably brighter image with increased low light performance and extending operational envelope and ability to see into dark areas.
SuperGain image intensifier tubes have undergone extensive testing both by the U.S. Army’s Night Vision and Electronic Sensors Directorate (NVESD) at Fort Belvoir as well as USSOCOM and other Special Operations Forces organizations, and are currently being fielded and in-service around the world in the newest, most technologically advanced BINOD (Binocular Night Observation Device) systems in the force, including the AN/PSQ-42 ENVG-B Advanced Goggle as well as panoramic fusion goggles.
From the end-user’s perspective, the SuperGain tubes will be noticeably brighter than standard Unfilmed White Phosphor tubes under most conditions and will provide more useable information in extreme darkness. However, the most significant difference that users in the field will see is the ability to see deeper into dark corners and underbrush, allowing them to detect potential threats beyond the range of typical image intensifiers. This can be a significant advantage in both urban areas / inside of structures as well as in more rural areas with vegetation and heavy canopy and subterranean operations.
While many consumers, both government and commercial have been focused on FOM (Signal to Noise Ratio multiplied by Center Resolution expressed in lp/mm) as a metric for image intensifier performance and image quality, with manufacturers pushing the envelope of performance through improved methods and processes.
Luminance Gain is typically set by the manufacturer, and is the measure of how well an image intensifier can amplify light, and is one of the most critically important factors of image intensifier performance–in fact, the term “Failure,” in MTTF (“Mean Time To Failure”), commonly used to describe tube longevity and durability and expressed in terms of hours, is broadly understood to represent a roughly 50% loss of Luminance Gain.
Nevertheless, Gain has typically been set by the manufacturers at a lower setting (in accordance with MIL-SPECs) due to concerns that too much Gain could lead to increased and undesirable noise in the image, which can be true with lower performance tubes. However, with modern advances in tube manufacturing processes and consistency, L3Harris has been able to increase average tube performance by over 50% in the last six years, with modern tubes having less noise overall, allowing L3Harris to increase the tube Gain, and therefore increasing the amount of useful information provided to the user without the same levels of increased noise.
In order to maximize the benefits of the increased Gain and ensure image quality these new SuperGain systems from TNVC will ONLY be available with a minimum Figure of Merit (FOM) specification of 2376+, the highest minimum performance specification currently available to the wide market, and with actual average tube performance exceeding that of current USSOCOM specifications.
Not only do SuperGain tubes provide improved light amplification and more information to the user, but effects can be felt on the user’s end as well—the overall brighter image allows the pupil to remain smaller, even in low light conditions where image intensifier tubes begin to dim, effectively improving the user’s vision and allowing them to take full advantage of the information provided by the SuperGain tube as well as reduce eye fatigue from long term use. Meanwhile, neither image intensifier life, nor reliability are affected, with SuperGain tubes being every bit as durable and reliable as typical Unfilmed White Phosphor image intensifier tubes.
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Experience the latest evolution of Image Intensified BINODs from L3Harris, being used in the toughest conditions for the most critical missions by U.S. DoD and Tier 1 Special Operations worldwide.
Available NOW for commercial sales at TNVC.
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The L3Harris BNVD-1531 is a variant of the extremely popular USSOCOM issued AN/PVS-31A BNVD and was selected as the standard BINOD (Binocular Night Observation Device) for U.S. Army Explosive Ordnance Disposal (EOD) units.
The BNVD-1531 was developed by L3 based on requests from end users that wanted a lower-cost variant of the AN/PVS-31A BNVD that had both an adjustable diopter as well as an onboard IR illuminator–essentially, a hybrid between the Legacy AN/PVS-15 and the AN/PVS-31A, hence the nomenclature BNVD-1531. Despite the nomenclature, the BNVD-1531 uses standard PVS-14 style optical lens assemblies, both objective and eyepieces, not PVS-15 optical assemblies.
The L3Harris BNVD-1531SG (SuperGain) is built with new-production L3Harris Gen. 3 Unfilmed White Phosphor SuperGain image intensifier tubes. SuperGain is the latest image intensifier tube technology from L3Harris, and is one of the most significant evolutions in Generation 3 BINOD systems and performance since the introduction of Unfilmed technology and available only at TNVC as a new premium option.
Manufactured by L3Harris and distributed by TNVC, SuperGain Unfilmed White Phosphor image intensifier tubes are already in use with the United States military, including Tier 1 Special Operations Forces in some of the DoD’s most elite formations. These new SuperGain image intensifiers increase the Luminance Gain (Gain) specification from the standard 40,000-80,000 fL/fc to between 100,000-120,000 fL/fc, greatly increasing the image intensifier’s ability to amplify and collect light, resulting in a noticeably brighter image with increased low light performance and extending operational envelope and ability to see into dark areas. In addition, all TNVC SuperGain systems have a 2376+ Minimum Figure of Merit (FOM) specification, the highest performance level available to the wide market.
The BNVD-1531 also relocates the onboard BNVS external power connector from perpendicular to the dovetail mount as on the AN/PVS-31A to angled slightly towards the rear so that it does not interfere with the articulation of the right optical pod assembly, addressing one of the few end-user complaints with the AN/PVS-31A BNVD, that the BNVS connector could interfere with the range of motion of the BNVD’s optical pod when installed.
While the addition of the IR illuminator and the use of PVS-14 style optics does increase the weight of the BNVD-1531 slightly relative to the PVS-31A BNVD, it is still a relatively lightweight, articulating system at around 19 ounces.
Other than these changes, the L3Harris BNVD-1531 is identical to the BNVD, including the use of high performance L3Harris Unfilmed image intensifiers and specially shielded and modified MX-11769 format tubes that allow manual gain control, as well as the common, onboard AA battery.
The BNVD-1531SG (“SuperGain”) systems will be available and ship direct from TNVC in a Full Kit configuration with the complete 4x AA Cold Weather Battery Pack and 25” BNVS power cable and SuperGain 100-120K fL/fc Luminance Gain and a 2376+ Minimum Figure of Merit (FOM), the highest performing image intensifier tube currently available on the market without hand selecting or custom image intensifiers.
Each unit will also come with a full factory warranty and customer support. Each unit will also come with factory image intensifier Tube Data Records.
These units are NOT contract overruns—these are brand new manufactured units, and they will be available as regular stocking units from TNVC, though demand is expected to be extremely high.
Export of Night Vision Equipment or related accessories (such as manuals) is strictly regulated by the US Department of State in accordance with the guidelines of the International Traffic in Arms Regulations (ITAR). It is a major crime to ship or carry US manufactured night vision devices outside the borders of the United States, punishable by fines and prison sentences. Ignorance of these regulations will not hold up in court. By purchasing night vision equipment from TNVC, you attest that you will not attempt to export or carry this night vision equipment outside the borders of the United States. Also, it illegal to allow a non-US Citizen to look through US Gen3 BINOD (Binocular Night Observation Device), even on US soil. Again, this is a crime punishable by fines and prison sentences.
Standards | Meets MIL-STD-810 |
Warranty | TNVC 10 Year Warranty |
OPTICAL | ------------------------------------------------------------ |
Luminance Gain | 100,000-120,000 fL/fc |
Figure of Merit (FOM) | 2376+ Minimum |
Film | Unfilmed |
Gain Control | Adjustable/ Variable |
Objective Focus | 10 in. (25 cm ±3 cm) to infinity |
Eyepiece Diopter | Adjustable from +2.0 to -6.0 |
FULL KIT INCLUDES | Remote Battery Pack, Remote Power Cable |
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