Microwatts (uW)
A microwatt is equal to one millionth of a watt. A watt is a derived unit of power in the International System of Units (SI) and measures the rate of energy conversion. One watt is equivalent to 1 joule of…
A microwatt is equal to one millionth of a watt. A watt is a derived unit of power in the International System of Units (SI) and measures the rate of energy conversion. One watt is equivalent to 1 joule of…
A metal-coated glass disk that multiplies the electrons produced by the photocathode. An MCP is found only in Gen 2 or Gen 3 systems. MCPs eliminate the distortion characteristic of Gen 0 and Gen 1 systems. The number of holes…
The measure of electrical current (mA) produced by a photocathode when exposed to a specified wavelength of light at a given radiant power (watt).
Term for the North Atlantic Treaty Organization STANdard AGreement. This can be described as an international MILSPEC