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FirstSpear Hybrid Helmet Cover – MICH/ACH

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Crazy Vic’s Discount Night Vision Emporium

Mesh/Nylon Helmet Cover


SKU: SKU-1328

NOTE: Fits Standard MICH/ACH/ECH Profile ONLY.

Individually sized and 100% fit tested the FirstSpear Hybrid Helmet Cover is designed to fit MICH/ACH Ballistic Helmets.  A stretch fit ensures that it remains in place during Free Fall or Rotary Wing Operations. Loop is positioned for attachment of IFF capabilities and is pattern/color matched. Perfect for changing your helmet’s pattern, preserving its finish and dampening noise during impact.

Helmet covers are seeing a resurgence in the special operations community due to their ease of use in changing a helmet’s appearance for various areas of operation.  Not only do they offer the operator the ability to heighten his camouflage, but they protect the helmet as well.  First Spear’s covers are specifically designed to fit the standard issue MICH/ACH/ECH line of helmets.  One of the other benefits to using a helmet cover is the ability to help fit in with other operators from other teams or branches who might be using a different pattern than you.  A checkerboard pattern of stitching on the front of the cover allows the user to punch holes for night vision shrouds without the worry of fraying.


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Manufacturer First Spear
Materials Stretch Nylon, Mesh
Manufacturer's P/N 500-15-00152-9005-04
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