L3Harris BNVD-FUSED Fusion Binocular (F-BINO) (ENVG-B Dovetail Variant)
L3Harris BNVD-FUSED I2 / Thermal Fusion Binocular Night Vision Device (F-BINO)
SOCOM / LE Variant of Army AN/PSQ-42 ENVG-B
Call 909-796-7000 to order.
Available to U.S. Gov and LE Agencies ONLY
Email govsales@tnvc.com
The L3Harris Binocular Night Vision Device – Fused (BNVD-FUSED) Fusion Binocular (F-BINO) is one of the most advanced night vision device currently available on the market. Based on the United States Army’s AN/PSQ-24 ENVG-B Enhanced Night Vision Goggle – Binocular, the F-BINO integrates enhancements, technological advancements, and combat user feedback from the most elite SOF end-users, gathered over two decades of the Global War on Terror (GWOT).
The BNVD-FUSED is the culmination of several different programs including the USSOCOM AN/PVS-31A Binocular Night Vision Device (BNVD) and AN/PSQ-36 Fusion Goggle Enhanced (FGE), offering end-users unparalleled performance, lethality, survivability, and situational awareness.
The BNVD-FUSED is not “just” an image intensified (I2) and thermal (LWIR) fusion device, but an integrated visual augmentation system paving the way for the next generation of hyper enabled operators, integrating a navigational heads-up display (NAV HUD) allowing greater command and control, mission command, and coordination aiding movement and maneuver and increasing end-user protection.
Unlike the Army AN/PSQ-42 ENVG-B, the F-BINO does not require the use of the ENVG-B’s proprietary “hot shoe” mount, instead utilizing a more conventional BNVIS (dovetail) mounting shoe configuration and cabled power supply, allowing backwards compatibility and user-interoperability with legacy systems. The BNVD-FUSED is powered by 4x L91 Lithium AA batteries in a Smart Battery Pack (Fusion Battery Pack – FBP) that provides both power and data to the BNVD-FUSED with an 8 hour thermal / fused runtime (battery life can be extended by turning off the thermal channel and/or NAV when not needed), with a waterproof, robust cable and 9-Pin connectors that can stand up to the toughest environmental conditions and user stress and can provide both stand-alone data and integrate into existing C5ISR infrastructure and networks and is also compatible with enhanced headborne power and data management systems like the Ops-Core RAILINK.
The basis of the BNVD-FUSED system is still L3Harris’ industry-leading High-Performance Unfilmed White Phosphor Generation 3 image intensifier tubes with unmatched extreme low-light performance and user adjustable gain to assist in integrating the thermal display, with multiple performance levels available (standard U.S. variants start at Min. FOM 2376+), as well as an optional integrated NIR illuminator to assist in detail tasks and extreme low light navigation.
The BNVD-FUSED’s fused thermal channel features the latest 12 μm LWIR FPA with a full-color 1280 x 1024 SXGA display and a 34° diagonal field of view (FOV) for the HUD and AR display functions and can be utilized in White Hot, Black Hot, and Outline modes overlayed onto the I2 image or stand-alone (I2 Standby), allowing day and night use.
The fused thermal channel is the “headliner” of the BNVD-FUSED. While in the past, the debate has raged over which is the superior technology, I2 or thermal, the F-BINO provides both capabilities in a single system, overlaying a thermal image over the I2 display located in the right-side optical pod. While I2 systems provide unparalleled capabilities for speed, navigation, and movement and maneuver, it is still relatively easy to hide and remain concealed from an I2-only system through the use of traditional camouflage and concealment techniques, as I2 replicates natural vision. However, the fused thermal channel provides the end-user with thermal / LWIR capabilities within the same image as the I2 system, allowing them to utilize the advantages of both simultaneous. The addition of thermal fusion allows greatly increased detection capabilities compared to I2 alone, as well as increased situational awareness in adverse environmental conditions such as extreme darkness, smoke, fog, and even subterranean operations while the I2 capability retains the ability to utilize NIR aiming lasers and illuminators for target identification, engagement, communications, and designation.
Even with the BNVD-FUSED’s wide range of capabilities and technology, the F-BINO is a remarkably flexible and deceptively compact device and is similar in size to the USSOCOM AN/PVS-31A and weighing only 21.6 ounces (< 615 grams / 1.5 lbs. — Goggle-only, not including battery pack or cable), making it lighter and smaller than the Legacy AN/PVS-15 binocular goggle.
AN/PVS-31A (top), BNVD-FUSED (bottom)
Nevertheless, the BNVD-FUSED offers a user-adjustable diopter (+1 to -2) so it can be adjusted for multiple end-users’ individual eyesight, as well as an “auto-sleep / standby” function which allows the goggle to shut off and enter sleep mode when flipped up to the stowed position, as well as individual pod cut-offs when the optical pods are rotated to the stowed position, even when the mount remains in the deployed position. The thermal channel standby means that no-restart is required when the fusion pod or goggle is rotated back into the operational position.
To preserve battery life, the BNVD-FUSED can also be used in multiple modes, including I2 Only, Fused + NAV, I2 + NAV, and I2 Standby. Mode selection, polarity, NAV HUD options, NUC, gain control, thermal contrast control, display brightness control and user-menu are all intuitive and easy to access and control through the two button keypad on the left side of the device bridge and rotary switch / button located on the front of the device ahead of the BNVIS mounting shoe.
The BNVD-FUSED also has stiff, sturdy IPD travel-limiting stops which allow the end-user to set and return the F-BINO to their desired interpupillary distance, even after being stowed and minimize the chances of accidental movement or adjustment like some existing designs. Since the BNVD-FUSED is an articulating goggle design, the thermal channel display screen also has a user-adjustable horizon allowing the user to adjust the thermal display to be level once adjusted to the proper IPD spacing.
The L3Harris BNVD-FUSED is truly a next-generation Visual Augmentation System, and in production and available now, with units being delivered to operational organizations–it is not a prototype or developmental device, but a combat ready device, able to provide end-users with next-level performance, detection, situational awareness, lethality, and protection.
Export of Night Vision Equipment or related accessories (such as manuals) is strictly regulated by the US Department of State in accordance with the guidelines of the International Traffic in Arms Regulations (ITAR). It is a major crime to ship or carry US manufactured night vision devices outside the borders of the United States, punishable by fines and prison sentences. Ignorance of these regulations will not hold up in court. By purchasing night vision equipment from TNVC, you attest that you will not attempt to export or carry this night vision equipment outside the borders of the United States. Also, it illegal to allow a non-US Citizen to look through US Gen3 BINOD (Binocular Night Observation Device), even on US soil. Again, this is a crime punishable by fines and prison sentences.
Manufacturer | L3HARRIS |
custom | BFG |
DIMENSIONS | 4.8"(L) x 4.9"(W) x 4.1"(H) |
WEIGHT | 21.6 oz. (Goggle Only) |
Weight | ~35 oz. (2.2 lbs) |
custom | 2.0" - 2.8" (57 - 70mm) |
POWER | 4x 1.5V L91 AA Lithium (External Battery Pack) |
BATTERY LIFE | ~8 Hours Fused / Thermal Operation |
OPERATING MODES | I2 Only / FUSED + NAV / I2 + NAV / I2 Standby |
custom | ------------------------------------- |
Resolution | 12 μm |
Resolution | 1280 x 1024 |
FOV | 34° Diagonal |
Finish | White Hot / Black Hot / Outline |
Gain | AUTO / MANUAL / EXTERNAL - Shuttered or Shutterless |
OPTICAL (I2) | ------------------------------------- |
POWER SUPPLY | Autogated, EMI Shielded |
FORMAT | MX-11769 (Manual Gain Control) |
PERFORMANCE | 2376+ (Multiple performance ratings available) |
OBJ FOCUS | 9.5" (25 cm) to infinity |
DIOPTER | +1 to -2 diopters |
NAVHUD | ------------------------------------- |
DISPLAY | 1280 x 1024 (SXGA) |
custom | GPS Enabled |
BEARING / COMPASS TAPE | Mils / Degrees |
LOCATION | MGRS / Lat.-Lon. |
ENVIRONMENTAL | ------------------------------------- |
Operating Temperature | -25°F (-32°C) to +120°F (49°C) |
Operating Temperature | -51°F (-46°C) to +160°F (71°C) |
Battery Life | 1m for 30 minutes |